It’s Not (Completely) About The Cake

January 25, 2016

I thoroughly enjoy talking about what I do, and I could talk endlessly about my work. One of the questions people often ask is, ‘Which do you enjoy the most?’ ‘Is it the baking or the decorating?’ While I love the baking and the decorating equally, the answer really is, quite honestly, that I love my clients.

It’s a beautiful thing to be entrusted with the taste and beauty of a cake that will ultimately be the centerpiece of an important event, such as a wedding. Receiving that trust from my clients is humbling, in a way, not to mention a very big responsibility. It’s not completely about ‘making a cake.’  After all, anyone can ‘make a cake.’

I received a heartwarming email from my clients whose wedding cake I created last week. Their email was sent to me less than 24 hours after their wedding reception and I’ve included the email below. This probably best describes why it’s not completely about the cake.

So to me, from the moment I meet prospective clients, it’s not really about the cake. At delivery, it’s not completely about the cake, either. What it’s completely about is my clients and giving to them this indescribable joy. The cake is just a delicious part of  this very sweet experience.